The Ruy Lopez for White – Open Lopez Part 2

Hello everyone,

Last time we had studied Variation A in the Open Lopez. Hope the main concept of the Open Lopez is clear in your head by now.

We will move forward and today we will study Black’s 9th move alternative, Variation B: 9…Be7. Now this Variation has two sub-variation as Black’s 12th move alternatives.

Let’s start with Variation B1: 12…0-0:

Ruy_Lopez/Variation B1.pgn
embedCfBasic(“2484131189”, “100%”, “350”, “pgnurl=chessyman/Ruy_Lopez/Variation%20B1.pgn&orientation=horizontal&tabmode=false&light=f4f4fF&dark=0072b9&bordertext=494949&headerforeground=ffffff&mtforeground=000000&mtvariations=FF0000&mtmainline=000000”, “”, “”);

Now let’s move onto the next reply, Variation B2: 12…Qd7:

Ruy_Lopez/Variation B2.pgn
embedCfBasic(“2484171189”, “100%”, “350”, “pgnurl=chessyman/Ruy_Lopez/Variation%20B2.pgn&orientation=horizontal&tabmode=false&light=f4f4fF&dark=0072b9&bordertext=494949&headerforeground=ffffff&mtforeground=000000&mtvariations=FF0000&mtmainline=000000”, “”, “”);

So, this was Black’s second 9th move alternative. Hope you have enjoyed. Next time we will start discussion on Black’s third 9th move alternative.

Keep visiting and keep reading. 

Thanks a lot. Enjoy!!
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