The Ruy Lopez for White – Deferred Steinitz, Norwegian and Delayed Schliemann Part 3

Hello everybody,
We will continue our study of the Deferred Steinitz. In the last post we have reviewed Black’s 5th move alternative (Variation C1: 5…f5) in the Deferred Steinitz. Today we will study Variation C2: 5…Bd7. This variation will include two sub-variation based on Black’s 6th move alternatives and we will study both of them one by one.
So let’s start with Variation C21: 6…Nge7:
Now let’s move on to Variation C22: 6…g6:

So, interesting isn’t it? 
This concludes our study on Deferred Steinitz, Norwegian and the Delayed Schliemann.
Do tell us how you liked it. Your comments are most valuable to us.
From the next post, we will start another chapter on the Ruy Lopez, the Moller and Arkhangelsk Variations. It will be a pretty long discussion which we will divide into several parts for your convenience. 
So, stay tuned. We will be back shortly.

Until then, bye. 
Keep visiting and keep reading. Thanks a lot. Enjoy!!
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